
6 Ways To Try & Prevent Morning Sickness

Pregnancy nausea, widely known as morning sickness, affects approximately half of all pregnant women. Despite its name, it can occur at any time of the day1. Typically presenting during the first trimester, the symptoms usually subside after 12 weeks, although some women may experience it throughout their pregnancy. The underlying causes of morning sickness are not entirely understood but are believed to be linked to hormonal fluctuations and changes in blood sugar levels in early pregnancy. Recent studies by scientists in the US and UK suggest that a hormone produced by the foetus and a woman's sensitivity to this hormone may play a crucial role. 

To help manage and mitigate the symptoms of nausea during pregnancy, here are six practical tips:


1. Ensure Adequate Vitamin B6 Intake:

Vitamin B6 is essential for hormonal balance and regulating blood sugar. Studies have shown that pregnant women experiencing nausea often have lower levels of B62. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 include turkey, chicken, beef, avocados, sunflower seeds, and sesame seeds. You might also consider taking a B6 supplement or a comprehensive pregnancy multi-nutrient rich in B6.

2. Sip Fresh Ginger Tea:

Ginger is highly effective at reducing nausea3. Grate fresh ginger into boiling water, allow it to steep for three minutes, and sip gently.

3. Try Apple Cider Vinegar:

A teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in 250ml of hot water may provide relief. Choose apple cider vinegar that includes the "mother."

4. Stay Hydrated:

Maintaining hydration can be challenging when feeling nauseous4. Regularly sip water, herbal teas, and ginger tea throughout the day. Additionally, consume a variety of seasonal soups and increase your intake of water-rich vegetables and fruits like watermelon, cucumber, celery, and pears.

5. Eat Before Getting Out of Bed:

Keeping some snacks like oatcakes by your bed to eat before rising can help prevent morning nausea by supporting your blood sugar levels5 from the start of your day.

6. Choose a Comprehensive Pregnancy Supplement:

It can be challenging to get all the necessary nutrients during pregnancy. Opt for a high-quality prenatal supplement that includes highly absorbable forms of essential nutrients such as folate and Vitamin D, and is free from unnecessary fillers and binders.

Implementing these strategies can significantly ease the discomfort of pregnancy nausea, helping to make your pregnancy experience more comfortable and enjoyable.



  1. Gadsby R, Ivanova D, Trevelyan E, Hutton JL, Johnson S. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is not just 'morning sickness': data from a prospective cohort study in the UK. Br J Gen Pract. 2020 Jul 30;70(697):e534-e539. doi: 10.3399/bjgp20X710885.
  2. Matok, I., Clark, S., Caritis, S., Miodovnik, M., Umans, J.G., Hankins, G., Mattison, D.R. and Koren, G. (2014), Studying the antiemetic effect of vitamin B6 for morning sickness: Pyridoxine and pyridoxal are prodrugs. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 54: 1429-1433.
  3. Effects of Ginger for Nausea and Vomiting in Early Pregnancy: A Meta-Analysis. Maggie Thomson, Renee Corbin, Lawrence Leung. The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine Jan 2014, 27 (1) 115-122; DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2014.01.130167
  4. Yavuz MS, Kazancı D, Turan S, Aydınlı B, Selçuk G, Özgök A, Coşar A. Investigation of the effects of preoperative hydration on the postoperative nausea and vomiting. Biomed Res Int. 2014;2014:302747. doi: 10.1155/2014/302747. Epub 2014 Jan 20. PMID: 24563861; PMCID: PMC3915899.

